Crooks' Speaker Bio 
Crooks has achieved international recognition as an advertising copywriter, promotional marketer, author and speaker. His presentations have opened eyes from Las Vegas to Atlantic City to Toronto, Canada.

With a regular monthly column in Brilliant Results magazine, he has more than 50 articles to his credit.
The universality of his insights have led to his articles appearing on blog sites in Australia and Europe. His creative insights strip away the status quo to reveal the obscure obvious - causing people to wonder how they missed something so apparent.

Available Presentations from Michael Crooks
(Click title to view description or, scroll down)

Creative Problem-Solving:

The Indispensable Promotional Marketer:

ReThinking Trade Show Giveaways:

 Creative Problem Solving
:  60 minutes

Applications — Promotional Marketing Associations, Corporate Markets

 Insightful and eye-opening. Re-connect with your creative side. Learn to identify and overcome creative blocks that limit your opportunities. Then, delve deep into the creative problem-solving strategies and tactics you can leverage to distinguish you from the competition and solve client problems. Better ideas make better money!

Creative Problem-Solving Presentation Outcomes:

1)  Learn why you’re not as creative as you can be or were as a child

2) Learn 3 key reasons creativity is stifled

3) Learn 3 strategic approaches to becoming more creative.

4) Learn how to apply the strategic approaches to your benefit.

5) Learn specific creative ideas that you can use in your business tomorrow.

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 The Indispensable Promotional Marketer: 60 Minutes

 Application — Promotional Marketing Associations

 Sell your clients what they can’t find on the internet: effective, value-added concepts that position you as an indispensable promotional marketing expert. Learn tactics & strategies to add value and depth to your presentations. Products, they can get anywhere. Wrap those products in an idea they can only get from you. 

The Indispensable Promotional Marketer
Presentation Outcomes:

1. A methodology for finding ideas to take to clients

2. How to use the “Secret” tactic to pique interest

3. Effective Goody-Bag Marketing techniques

4. How to turn a Sponsorship into an effective Promotion

5. The power of a multi-dimensional promotion.

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 ReThinking Trade Show Giveaways
: Stop Simply Giving Stuff Away
  60 minutes

Applications —  Promotional Marketing Associations, Corporate Markets

Be a better trade show consultant to your clients. This powerful workshop ReThinks the status quo, exposing trade show & industry myths, fallacies and popular misconceptions that hurt distributor efforts and profitability. Learn the advertising and marketing strategies, tactics and insights to turn trade show giveaways into powerful, profitable promotions that position you as a new breed of promotional marketing professional. 

ReThinking Trade Show Giveaways: Presentation Outcomes:

• The Difference Between A Trade Show Giveaway And A Promotion

• Fallacies of Top-10 Lists

• Why Ideas Are More Important Than The Product

• Relevant and Effective Message Development

• Effective Trade Show Traffic-Arrest & Engagement Tactics

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 Crooks' Engagement & Experience:

Speaker: PPAI EXPO 2010 January 20010,  “ReThinking Trade Show Giveaways”  

Speaker: Promotional Product Professionals of Canada: Ontario Chapter: October ’09: “Creative Problem-Solving” & “The Indispensable Promotional Marketer”

Speaker: Promotions East, June, ‘09, “The Indispensable Promotional Marketer”

Speaker: PPAI EXPO 2009 January 2009, “Creative Problem-Solving”  95% average favorable rating.

Feature Article: August ’09  Promotional Products Business (PPB) Magazine: “Stop Simply Giving Stuff Away.”

Writer: Brilliant Results Magazine,  monthly marketing column since September '07

26 year’s experience in advertising & promotional marketing

 Former member, chapter officer, Toastmasters International

Author, “ReThinking Tradeshow Giveaways: Stop Simply Giving Stuff Away (

For more information on the writing, creative and speaking services of Michael Crooks please contact 517-589-0008, cell: 517-8810-7263, e: 


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